Scouting in America is at a critical moment as we advance into our second century. We’re
facing unprecedented challenges to our very existence. But we know that holding fast to
Scouting values will lead us through these turbulent times. In fact, they were made for them. We
are all here because we each understand in our hearts that the Order of the Arrow is an integral
part of Scouting, and key to fulfilling its’ mission.
Our custom is to only whisper the Admonition… yet it is the gift that every Arrowmen gives to
the world. But “to love one another” is only a lofty ideal, until we make it real through action.
That’s why we must ensure all Arrowmen receive this gift and understand their power—and
responsibility—to live the Admonition as servant leaders. And that happens in the Induction.
The Induction is the OA’s single most important service to Scouting. It has been designed to
achieve the purpose of our Order. But to make it work, those of us responsible for conducting it
must know what we are doing each step of the way, and why we are doing it.
Polestar at our 2021 LLD

We will be hosting a Polestar training from 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, July 31st at St Jude in Hixson. This is our LLD (Lodge Leadership Development) for the year, and will impact our upcoming fall Ordeal, so plan to attend.
Polestar is a training initiative from the top Inductions experts from across the nation and is the
culmination of thousands of hours of hard work and over 300 years of combined experience,
distilled down into a training you do not want to miss.
In Polestar, you will learn both why the OA’s Induction exists and how it functions. You will also learn how to share it with others. You’ll be directly helping the Order achieve its mission and purpose, by applying what you learn to improve the Induction experience right here in Talidandaganu’ Lodge.
Chick-fil-A lunch will be provided, and this is a free event! Arrowmen involved in inductions from Unit Elections to Brotherhood should attend, especially lodge leadership.